
Non-chemical method to erdaicate an Ant Nest in your garden.

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Non-chemical method to erdaicate an Ant Nest in your garden.

The Conquer Termites Team January 17, 2024
Non-chemical method to erdaicate an Ant Nest in your garden.

In a recent Australian ABC article about Jumper Ants, author and entomologist, Simon Grove gave advice how to eradicate a Jumper Ant nest without using any chemical:

“My preference is to try boiling water or very hot water in the first instance,” Dr Grove said.

He said to wait until dusk or a cold day when there was no obvious activity in the nests, making sure to wear good footwear and gloves and tip a kettle full of boiling water over the mound.

“When they go to bed, they retreat down to the underground nest,” Dr Grove said.

“After an initial scalding of the nest mound, you could carefully scrape away the nest mound and that should expose the holes where the ants would be coming in and out, and you can pour hot water more directly down those.

“You’d probably have to repeat that over several nights for effectiveness.”

Dr Grove said while some people did not believe in killing the ants, there were risks to human safety by having the ants around. “I don’t think jack jumpers belong in suburbia. They belong in the bush,” he said.

Simon Grove says boiling water is better than using chemicals to kill jack jumper ants.(ABC News: Luke Bowden)

Read more about the how Jumper Ants are a risk to human safety

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