Recently we were called out to a house in Morningside, Brisbane, that had live termites. Our technician found termite workings protruding from a bedroom wall upstairs, with several termite leads coming from the ground up the concrete slab edge.
In some ways, the homeowner was lucky that the infestation inside and entry points were so oblivious; most of the time, termites eat the middle of structural timbers and gain concealed entry. Sometimes, it’s not until there is significant damage that they make themselves evident, coming to the layer of paint on skirting boards, door jams and window frames.
In this case, our technician thoroughly inspected the house to identify the extent of the termite infestation. Once this was established, he proceeded with the initial treatment to eradicate activity in the structure by applying Termidor Dust.
Please watch the below video for an explanation of this procedure.
If you have any concerns about termites in or around your home, call us now on 1300 417 007