If you follow the Australian Standards and manufacturing instructions, there are at least 6 main ones:
2mm - Sheeting martial should protrude continuously through render or mortar.
20mm - Sheeting martial should protrude continuously under ant capping and external sheeting material.
25mm - minimum separation of decks, pergolas, carports from the main structure.
35mm - Minimum visual inspection zone can be relaxed if sheeting material has been installed (depends on individual manufacturer’s instructions).
75mm - Visual inspection zone from ground to the top edge of the footing or structural timbers.
400mm - separation from the lowest point of structural timber (Subfloor bearer) to ground.
Does your house comply? This is not a problem for older homes, the main non-compliance happens on new builds!
If you have concerns or require an inspection to get your home checked, call us now on 1300 417 007